Which Desktop? - can you change your desktop without re-installing Linux?

So, I tried to install Ubuntu on my bestest most powerful pc, the live distro of Ubuntu's fully blown Unity desktop ran quickly and looked slick even with build in AMD Radeon 7 graphics. I also wanted to asses which distro I could install on my next desktop PC, which will be even more powerful to cope with Windows 10 + Visual Studio bloatwear.

I tried to install the full Distro, but hit problems as the installer wanted to create additional EFI partitions in ext4, but I already had an NTFS one. Anyway after two attempts I did not want to risk trashing the file system. Though I must say it is much harder to do that these days, especially when you have another machine to research as you go. So I Googled, 'Install Unity desktop on Lubuntu'. Even as I am typing it I am thinking "this should be easy".

Just to refresh, Ubuntu is the kernel, the engine of the operating system. The beauty of all Linux distros is that you can choose which desktop you want at installation time. But does that mean that you can change or add another one?

The simple answer is yes!

There are some caveats though. Some versions such as Mint with Cinnamon and Mate do not work with other desktops as easily.

More info - http://www.howtogeek.com/163154/linux-users-have-a-choice-8-linux-desktop-environments/

Ubuntu Unity desktop added!

Equally, Ubuntu derivatives, Kubuntu, Xubuntu etc will not easily install Cinnamon or Mate. So check carefully on your distros forum before risking it.

In my case it was as simple as 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'

sure its 500MB+ and takes more than a couple of minutes. You will also get warnings as it assumes that you have all the supported packages installed too, but that is no problem, you can add them later. By the way Kubuntu is as massive 1240 MB!

Here is some additonal info- http://www.howtogeek.com/193129/how-to-install-and-use-another-desktop-environment-on-linux/

You can also remove the desktop the same way 'sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop'

This will not remove any desktop specific packages but you can simple do 'sudo apt-get autoclean' afterwards.

Do NOT try and install the desktop you are using, it will fill the screen with error messages as the files are still in use.

KDE Plasma added

Also KDE's Plasma desktop will try to use a different x-windows server, so choose carefully, pick one as default and if needed you can edit afterwards in the /etc/init.d file.

So all you have to do is Log off and choose the new desktop environment in the top right hand corner before logging in again. Also I found out that Kodi is its own desktop which reduces system strain when running!

KDE Plasma desktop shot with mobile
Happy desktop switching!

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